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September 22, 2008

How to be a Fitness First member

I am pretty sure that all of us experience different kinds of stress. Maybe you are stress with your bulging belly, sagging skin, low endurance, wants to loose and gain weight. Now is the time for change to do what you ought to do to achieve the nice sexy curve or to keep yourself healthy, young ,fit and active. Remember stressor is any stimulus producing mental or physical stress in an organism.
One thing I know to combat stress is exercising or do some "work out " and speaking of anti stress and work out? Let me introduce you to Fitness First (

How to be a Fitness First member? Obviously you have to go to the nearest fitness first in your area (for thier location and more information click the given link above or copy paste it to another browser).
In fitness first, you can choose from two kinds of membership the Lifestyle Membership which is minimum of 12 months and or the Premiere Membership minimum of 4 months. The payment actually varies, for example in my case I am a mercury credit card holder of citibank so I was able to get more discount plus another discount of enrolling today because they had a September promo at the same time launching promo of thier new kit that will help you keep track the progress (ie. your weight, level of endurance and etc.)
In the kit there is also a guide of what are the foods that should be taken during your work out program. Lastly, you will be recieving the FITNESS FIRST FREEBIES....

Stay happy and healthy guys if you believe that "health is wealth".


  1. Ching asa ka nga fitness first ? Ayala or SM ? Ako gymn Fatness first hehehehehe

  2. Ayala intawn


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