October 29, 2008
Bohol Beach Club Escapade
October 23, 2008
Which Work's Best Wordpress vs Blogger?
October 22, 2008
Dismayed to BPI Phone Banker
October 20, 2008
Two million dollars for a tip?
October 19, 2008
Cebu Blogger Society in Partnership with Samsung
Philippine Association of Social Workers Inc.(PASWI) @ 60
October 15, 2008
Which is safer Bottled water vs Tap water?

So is bottled water safer than tap water? Tests have discovered that some bottled waters contained more chlorine by-products than surface and ground waters. And the pesticides, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals that are found in household tap water are appearing in bottled water with alarming frequency.
The Natural Resources Defense Council report on the subject concluded that, "there is no assurance that bottled water is any safer than tap water." Throw into that mix that plastic containers contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which leach into your water. Skip the plastic bottles for storing. Instead store in glass bottles, and for water-on-the-go, get a reusable thermos.
October 14, 2008
Chasing deadlines at work?
October 12, 2008
Blogger's Networking now in Cebu
October 10, 2008
Way's to Spot a Dishonest Date?
1. Eyes aflutter. When people lie, their blink rate tends to go up.
2. The eyes have it. Conventional wisdom says that liars don't look you directly in the eye. And sometimes this is the case. However, research shows that practiced liars will actually give you more eye contact than people telling the truth!
Good liars stick to the true parts of their story as much as possible and insert lies at key points.
Good liars stick to the true parts of their story as much as possible and insert lies at key points. If you suspect you're being lied to, don't be fooled into thinking that the whole story is true, even if you can confirm that parts of it are true.
October 9, 2008
Why Fitness First? Why wellness?
As a member I was able to enjoy the following;
- They help more people get results with more than 1.4 million members worldwide
- Access to 15 Fitness First clubs and 2 Fitness First Platinum clubs in Phillipines & over 500 clubs worldwide
- Over 3,000 Group Exercise Classes a month
- FREE Personal Training worth PhP1500
- FREE Starter Kit worth over PhP1500
- FREE beverages
- FREE VCD rental
- World class cardio equipment with personalised audio and visual entertainment
- Luxurious Changing Rooms
- Sauna and Steam rooms
- Convenient Parking
- Extended Operation Hours
So what are you waiting for? Come and join us at fitness first. An opportunity you should not miss. Here wellness comes first.
October 7, 2008
Do you know what Espresso is?
October 6, 2008
Is Philippines safe from Chinese tainted milk scandal?

The nation's food safety watchdog dispatched the round-the-clock inspectors to dairy factories across the country to make sure produce complied with food safety standards. Chinese milk was found to be tainted with melamine, an industrial chemical normally used to make plastic and fertilisers. Melamine, when added to watered-down milk, makes it appear richer in proteins than it really is.
Effects of newbie to blogging?
What is your sexiest and best body asset?

October 4, 2008
October as Childrens Month

Proclamation No. 46
Reaffirming the Commitment to the Universal Child and Mother Immunization Goal by Launching the Polio Eradication Project
Declaring the Month of October of Every Year as National Children's Month
Declaring the Second Week of February of Every year as "National Awareness Week for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation"
Declaring the Fourth Week of march of Every year as "Protection and Gender-Fair Treatment of the Girl-Child Week"
Proclaiming the Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Program of Action for Children in the 1990's
Sauna vs Steam bath
A steam generator, on the other hand, heats steam baths. The steam is fed into the almost airtight room where it builds up to create humidity level of around 100%.
Both have therapeutic benefits. They are good for blood circulation and can cleanse and rejuvenate the skin through heavy perspiration. They are good for easing muscle tension and promoting feelings of relaxation and well-being.
Some people find the dry heat of the sauna to be uncomfortable to breathe. Those with respiratory problems like sinus congestion and asthma may prefer the moist heat of the steam bath. Steam inhalation is often used for treating bronchitis, sinusitis and allergies so people with these conditions may benefit from steam baths.